 Nalbantov Clarinet Microphone NCM 8X Wireless Set SCW for Buffet Crampon RC Prestige 

Nalbantov Clarinet Microphone NCM 8X Wireless Set SCW for Buffet Crampon RC Prestige

Nalbantov NCM 8X Wireless is a wind instrument microphone for professional sound reinforcement. Nalbantov NCM 8X Wireless set SCW includes NCM 8X clarinet pickup microphone, Wireless system, Grenadilla clarinet barrel ready for using (65mm will be shipped by default - available clarinet barrel sizes are – 64mm, 65mm, 66mm, 62.5mm, 64.5mm), Connecting cable, AC adapter and accessories.
We can proudly say that Nalbantov NCM 8X is high-end microphone with clear, natural and well-balanced sound. The main reason for the design of this microphone is to eliminate all problems that wind musicians have when using traditional microphone. The advantage is obvious: equal sound in any situation and no acoustic feedback.
Nalbantov NCM 8X operates without any acoustic feedback because it is not sensitive to airborne sounds. The idea is to pick up the sound in the instrument’s body, rather than the sound produced in the air.
Another advantage is that Nalbantov NCM 8X is directly mounted to the instrument, thus allowing an equal and powerful sound in any situation. Now you can get the perfect mobility on stage and completely different experience when playing wind instruments.
Features: · wireless connection with 16 channels · at least 60 meter operation distance · clear, natural and well-balanced sound in any situation · operates completely without acoustic feedback · improved frequency range and dynamic sensitivity · no wind sounds and ultra-low key noise · integrated volume control · superb quality and durability · lightweight made by aluminum · unique design with durable anodized surface · easy and fast installation · usage without additional preamplifier
新品の出品ストア数:1ストア  125,063円より
中古の出品ストア数:3ストア  97,980円より
こちらからもご購入いただけます:Nalbantov Clarinet Microphone NCM 8X Wireless Set SCW for Buffet Crampon RC Prestige



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